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Rough-Cut Presentation & Focus Group Discussion at Sandy’s Diner

26 nov. 2022

Academic_Puszi Documentary, written and directed by Georgiana Turculet, will present the RoughCut, on November 26th. The production team will run a Focus Group Discussion activity including all participants.

Academic_Puszi Documentary, written and directed by Georgiana Turculet, will present the RoughCut, on November 26th. The production team will run a Focus Group Discussion activity including all participants. 

Event Schedule: 

14.30-15.00 - Welcoming note of Director and Team

15.00-16.00 - Screening of Academic-Puszi Documentary

16.00-17.30 - Focus Group/s Discussion


Nota Bene: This activity is planned to be filmed, hence by participating in this event, you give consent to the use of your data to our project, and its platforms of communication, in view of GDPR EU Law.

Date: November 26th, 14:30 (TBD)

Sandy’s Diner, Str. Florimund Mercy nr. 3, Timișoara

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101026134.

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